Meet The Harris Govern Business Tax Software
Your jurisdiction is likely facing more pressure than ever before as taxpayers demand e-filing options, even as your staff work with shrinking IT budgets and ever-changing laws and regulations. Your staff will see immediate operational efficiencies as our next-generation software provides your jurisdiction with the tools you need to reduce costs and empower taxpayers with e-filing solutions.
Business Tax Features
The Business Tax software has been developed with a configurable engine meeting the unique needs of each jurisdiction. Once set up, this software automatically computes taxes and applies applicable discounts, penalties, and interests allowing your staff to reduce errors and delays and helping your jurisdiction collect payments faster. Additionally, online filers will not need to manually calculate fields, deduct expenses, or add fees as ONLY entry fields are enabled Online while the rest of the fields are automatically calculated for them, eliminating errors, frustrations, and associated penalties while improving taxpayers' services.

Through our integrated software, access to tax data (accounts, filings, payments, outstanding delinquent receivables, non-filers, etc.) has never been easier as your staff can search, query, and analyze such data for any purpose including audit.

Accounts Receivables
All taxes due, from every filing, are applied as receivables so payments/collections could be applied to them. Furthermore, ad-hoc fees could be added and applied at any time by your staff.

Cash Collections
ALL receivables are collected when payments are applied to the receivables. For any overdue receivables and delinquencies, the Cash Collections software will calculate and apply any penalties and interests to them at time of payment collection whether by your staff or Online. Payments can be collected via the Cash Collection software, Online Payments, Lockbox, or automated payment data entry.

Revenue Recovery through Comprehensive Tax Audits
Auditors can use the QueryTool module, our data analytics tool, to create audit record sets. Automated queries could create such audit records based on audit criteria. Once they finalize their list, they could send this list to their Supervisors or Managers for review and approval. Then take the list to the field through the Mobile Auditor. Through the combination of data analytics and field audits, your Jurisdiction can be confident to recover revenues.

Business License
Manage the licensing process whether through a paper completed application or online through eApply. The Business License software can be used to define an unlimited number of license types each with its own specific fields, layout, and review/approval processes, if any.

Mobile Auditor
Using the Mobile Auditor software, Auditors take their audit record set to the field on a tablet and perform any audit as they will have access to all historical filing data. Auditors can query the central database for related information needed to perform their audits. Once an audit is completed, your auditors can post the findings and generate any audit fees/discrepancy receivables.

Automation to the NEXT Level!
Any report, batch process, or query could be scheduled to run at particular intervals or recurring as needed. Batch Processes may also be scheduled to run sequentially, or during periods of low network activity to minimize the impact on users. Write and schedule queries, and then automatically save a potential audit record set for the Auditors.

Easily Collect Payments
With just a click of a button, your staff can automatically calculate the taxes and associated fees required. This makes it easier than ever for your department to collect payments made online, via mail, in person, or via a 3rd party processor (lockbox ...).

Simple Navigation Options
We know that your staff needs to find relevant information quickly, and this is why we included a powerful search capability. This will help your tax experts easily find a specific account with almost any search combination for accurate and efficient data retrieval.
Harris Govern Business Tax Benefits
Improve efficiencies and exceed taxpayers' expectations with our Business Tax software.

Online Services
By enabling Online Services, your Agency will:
- Enhance your taxpayers’ experience with your services and improve client services.
- Enable Government Transparency.
- Diminish “footprints” and calls to your office.
- Reduce staff workload & costs as your taxpayers will do the work.
- Eliminate manual efforts and filings’ erroneous calculations.
- Publish as MUCH or as LITTLE data as YOU desire.

Greater Transparency & Accuracy
Our software connects departments like never before, while also increasing transparency and trust with taxpayers. Each action that taxpayers or your staff take will be recorded with a confirmation number that can be tracked.

Data Analysis
Auditors can use our search tool, the QueryTool or utilize such audit criteria to automate the creation of audit records or (or and) to define the records they want to further evaluate for a potential audit.
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